Living Water Church

We are Living Water and YOU are welcome here


Living Water is a young church with a bold and innovative nature. We are grounded in God's Word and have the energy and adaptability to meet the challenges of modern life.

Living Water offers a welcoming atmosphere to all who enter, often referring to our worship space as being like your "living room".  A space where we can be comfortable with each other and not get distracted by the mild chaos that young children may bring. It is a place where our love for one another shines, as witnessed by the hugs and handshakes that take place during the sharing of the peace.  
Join us at 9 AM Sunday

Can we Pray for you?

Prayer connects us to God. The more time you spend with something or someone, the more confidence you build in it. The same is true for God. The more time you spend with God, the more your faith in Him will grow.

God hears the prayers of His people. Living Water believes in the power of prayer. If you want us to pray for you, please click the link below. Each and every request that comes to us is prayed for by our team.

Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you.
» 1 Peter 5:7 (NLT) «

S O N G   R E Q U E S T   F O R M

FELLOWSHIP is one of our core values

We believe spiritual friendships which provide encouragement, support and accountability are essential in the body of Christ. 

We're all broken,
that's why we belong.